2018-08-20 09:44:24 编辑:无 浏览:(3240次)
Task 1: What do you think is the biggest challenge that people are not able to save money? How to solve the problem?
点评:问得好~ 托福君也是一个poor guy,月末也要滚去吃土,所以对这个问题深有同感。那到底为啥存不下钱呢?因为花钱时开森呀,想花就大笔一刷,哪管卡里的钱直线下降,等月底时一看卡内余额,没啦没啦没啦!所以,托福君打算痛改前非,开始存钱。想来想去,最好的办法就是发了工资先存一半啊,剩下的一半算每月支出,爱怎么花就怎么花咯。
示范: Well, in my opinion, the biggest challenge that people are unable to save money is that they often spend money without plans. In other words, they tend to buy useless things on a whim.
For example, my sister loves to go out on weekends, and she will buy a lot of unpractical things merely because she is fond of them at that moment, but later she may leave them in a corner collecting dust.
As for how to solve the problem, I think the best way is to save a specific amount of money in your bank account every month when you get your salary, say if you earn 5000 per month, you can save 2000 or so, and the left can be at your disposal. (125词)
2、Task 2 : What do you think of home teaching? Home teaching is a teaching method that hires a private teacher and teaches students at home.
问: 你怎么看待home teaching?Home teaching是指雇用一个私人教师让学生在家里接受教育。
示范:Well, let’s face it, good teachers are all in public schools and I do not see any proper reasons to send children to home teaching. We all know that children are at their best years to learn things, for they have good memories and they have curiosity to learn. If we send them to home teaching which may be of bad quality or not as good as public schools, it will be a shame and it could have a negative impact on our children’s whole life.
Besides, public education is free for children, whereas home teaching can be very expensive. If I were to choose, I would save the money for other uses, say extracurricular activities that my children are interested in.(126词)
3、(2018.1.6下午场)Task 1: Which of the following one do you think is the best way to motivate employees in the company to do better?
--extra money as a reward
--organize a kind of contest to select who is the best one
--to praise staff on the website
问:公司激励员工的最好方法是什么?1、发奖金 2、竞争最佳员工 3、在公司网站上公开表扬员工
点评:这还用问吗?托福君啥都不缺,就缺money!作为一名光荣的北漂,托福君要付房租啊,坐地铁啊,吃饭啊,买衣服啊,这些统统都是钱啊!开销这么大,如果在公司好好表现可以得到奖励的话,就希望老板赏点钱啊,hia hia hia!
示范:Well, if i were to choose, i’d say extra money as a reward, for this is the most practical way to motivate employees. Let’s be honest, we all have to work to pay the rent, especially when a newly graduated college student strives to take hold in a large city.
Take my cousin for example, after graduation, he went to Shanghai to work in a famous company which he always wanted to enter into, but he didn’t earn much and the salary was not enough to cover his expenses and he had to ask for money from his parents. However, if he could get extra money by working hard, i think he would definitely try it. (122词)
4、Task 2: Do you agree or disagree that it is important to learn about the history of the city you stay in?
点评:偷偷告诉你,托福君并不是很同意,因为托福君是个历史白痴。但是,这并不妨碍托福君理直气壮地说了解历史非常之重要。古语说得好,以铜为镜,可以正衣冠; 以史为镜,可以知兴替; 以人为镜,可以知得失。总而言之,言而总之,历史很重要。
示例:Well, I think it is very important to know about the history of the city you live in, for one thing, you can appreciate the history of the city. For example, I learned the history of Beijing when I first settled in this city, and every time I visit the famous historic and cultural sites,they are presented very vividly in my eyes.
And for another, you can be a tour guide for your friends. If they come to your city and want to visit the summer palace, they don’t have to hire a professional guide because you can do the job, and that will certainly impress your friends. (110词)
5、(2018.1.13)Task 1:Nowadays, teachers tend to give students group assignment but not individual assignment. Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of this tendency.
示范:In my opinion, the advantage of group assignment for students lies in that they can tackle problems as a team and by the way develop team spirit and communication skills, which are crucial to their future study and work.
And the disadvantage of group assignment, i suppose, is that some students in the group may be very active and motivated to be a leading role in the group while others may become lazy and relaying on the active ones to do the whole work.
In this situation, the active students may benefit the most, but the not-so-active-students may get nothing and waste a lot of time on a group assignment. (113词)
6、Task 2: When you disagree with your friends and family on some controversial issues, would you choose to convince them or just keep the disagreements?
示例: Well, I would definitely keep the disagreement as it is. Honestly, it is quite natural to have different opinions on different things, and this is a good thing actually, because we don’t want to be exactly identical with others. So if we have an disagreement, especially on something that cannot be simply classified as right or wrong, I mean, sometimes there is no absolute right or wrong about something, then we can just let it go.
Besides, some people are just stubborn enough not to be persuaded, and if we keep arguing, it might hurt feelings, which I think is not worthy.(104词)
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